I have been struggling with a few things lately.
One being by perceived lack of progress.
I look at all of the characters in the entrepreneurial world. I look at their progress, and accomplishments. I look at all of the time and effort they have put in to get where they are today.
I want it so bad!
I want to be able to live that lifestyle and have that import.
But do I?
I struggle with the fact that, much like many people's diets, I yo-yo.
I make progress forward, then I retract.
One step forward. Two steps back.
At least that is the way it seems.
Then this morning, I watched this video by entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David:
I finished watching this video and had a huge realization.
It is not that I don't have it in me, or that I am not making progress.
I am!
I am just not in the stage of the journey where I have the ability to hop into my Ferrari. (So to speak.)
I am in the door knocking stage.
Does it suck at times?
But, everyone who has ever done anything worthwhile has had to go through this stage.
So, don't stop.
Keep knocking on the doors.
I know I will.