Spend any amount of time in an entrepreneurial setting, and the well-known book by Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich” is bound to be brought up.
In many respects, the book was way ahead of it’s time.
To me, it is incredible that many of the lessons taught so long ago still apply today.
The problem is, many people think that just by reading the book they will magically “grow rich”.
First off, in my opinion, knowledge is not power.
Knowledge is potential power.
You can read Hill’s book, but if you don’t do anything, chances are millionaire status is not likely in your future.
Also, in the title “Think and Grow Rich”, everyone focuses on the last two words.
In reality, the most important word in the title is the first one.
In the beginning of his career, a mentor of mine hired a very successful entrepreneur as a business coach.
He had paid good money to learn from this guy, and he was excited about the first lesson.
On day #1 his coach told him to do one thing, read Think and Grow Rich.
His response was that he had already read it before.
The coach told him to read it again.
Now you can imagine what was going through my mentor’s head.
Here he had paid good money and all he was being told was to read a book.
His mentor then told him two things:
I am rich. You are not. Read the book.
You need to think…. To grow rich.
The lesson of taking time to think sticks with him to this day.
I think it is a great lesson for all of us.
Take the time to think. Have a vision. Make a plan. Then take massive action.